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Welcome to Abdul Kalam Education Society                Smoking is Prohibited in Institute Campus            When You Know Better, Then You Do Better           Diwali Offer 50% Discount In Course Fee          Learn And Earn Good Opportunities For Poor Students

Welcome To AKSSS

Abdul Kalam Siksha Samity is a place where everyone can get education and could be trained for his bright future. We are always here to help you with our best education services.

Full Day Session

We and our partner institutes are running full day classes for our students.

Easy to Reach

We are at a very prominant location and the transportation is very good for here.

Qualified Teachers

We have very well trained and qualified teachers in our institute to teach you better.

Useful Courses

Our courses are well updated and running in current market and we regularly used to update our syllabus.

Director's Message

"The aim of education is to acquire knowledge, not only of facts, but of values. As we move towards becoming a developed nation."

Quick Contact

The Best In Our Institute

Our Courses

Currently We are running following courses.

Graphic Design

Web Designing

D T P (Desk Top Publishing)

A D C A (Advance Diploma In Computer Application)

C C A (Certificate In Computer Application)

D C A (Diploma In Computer Application)

D C S (Diploma In Computer Science)

Financial Accounting

Hindi Typing

English Typing


IGD Bombay Art

Summer Camp

P G D C A (Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application)

ADFA (Advance Diploma In Financial Accounting)

DFA (Diploma In Financial Accounting)

"C" Programming Language

Hindi & English Typing



what student’s say ?


I got very good job and its credit goes to AKSSS. They have very good teachers and study atmosphere too. Thank you so much AKSSS.

Sonu Singh

It was a wonderful experience with AKSSS Institute and their faculties. I got my best result yet. They are very good in syllabus and teaching methods too. I shall continue my studies with AKSSS Institute.

upcoming events


2017-07-26 12:52:05

अब्दुल कलाम शिक्षा समिति द्वारा आपके शहर में पहली बार सीसीसी कोर्स फ्री कराया जा रहा है जिसके अंतर्गत सीसीसी परीक्षा पास करने पर ५०० रूपए पुरस्कार के रूप में स्कॉलरशिप दी जाएगी 
आपके शहर में अब्दुल कलाम शिक्षा समिति की रजिस्टर्ड दो शाखाएं हैं जहाँ आप जाकर अपना पंजीकरण ३१ जुलाई से ५ अगस्त तक करा सकते हैं
नोट - पंजीकरण कराने की अंतिम तिथि ५ अगस्त २०१७ 
हमारी शाखाएं 
प्रथम शाखा - आई0 आई0 आई0 टी0 कंप्यूटर सेंटर मोहल्ला दिलाजाक निकट बैंक ऑफ़ बड़ौदा रामनगर कॉलोनी शाहजहांपुर उत्तर प्रदेश (२४२००१)
दुतिये शाखा - आई0 आई0 आई0 टी0 कंप्यूटर सेंटर मोहल्ला दलेलगंज हरदोई रोड शाहजहांपुर उत्तर प्रदेश (२४२००१)


2017-05-01 07:17:33

हमारे यहाँ 7-May-2017 से समर कैंप क्लासेज शुरू हो रही हैं जिसमे आपको कंप्यूटर कोर्स, डांसिंग, मेंहदी, पेंटिंग, ब्यूटिशियन, सिंगिंग, एक्टिंग, मॉडलिंग, फ्लॉवर मेकर, ग्लास पेंटिंग, गिटार, बैड मिन्टन और स्पेशल कोर्स कराये जा रहे हैं

This is News One

2017-04-15 19:11:51

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Training in AKSS

The Best Memories of our Institute

Photo Gallery

Here are some memorable photos of our Institute.

Happy Milistones







